"The Fortune Is in The Follow Up" - Jim Rohn


"The Fortune Is in The Follow Up" - Jim Rohn

Number of people who were brought back with AI Follow up

Canoe Creek Nutrition accumulated 644 Loyalty Members between their website, referrals and store visits. They tracked $51.14k from total scans at their location!

Tracked revenue from

FloLoyal between

2023 - 2024

FloLoyal's Automatic AI Follow Up successfully brought 173 people back into the Canoe Creek Nutrition! That's $1730 gross because of AI follow up!

Herbalife Nutrition Clubs who

put their Loyalty, Website & SMS on


Tracked revenue from

FloLoyal between 2023 - 2024

Canoe Creek Nutrition accumulated

644 Loyalty Members between their website, referrals and store visits. They tracked $51.14k from the total scans at their location!

Number of people who were brought back with AI Follow up

FloLoyal's Automatic AI Follow Up successfully brought 173 people back into the Canoe Creek Nutrition! That's $1730 gross because of AI follow up!

Works For YOU 🫵

#1 Get's Sign Ups

Customers can sign up from online without ever needing to come into the Nutrition Club! You can run Instagram boosts and Ads to your sign up page, put it on QR code flyers, share it on your instagram stories and so much more!

#2 Tracks Scans

After customers have become a Loyalty Member, they must come into your Nutrition Club to earn points towards their next reward. Just like a punch card, they'll scan after every visit and it will become part of their daily habit to visit, learn about and consume the products

#3 Auto Follow Up

If after signing up to your Loyalty Program, someone doesn't show up to your Nutrition Club in 30 days, FloLoyal will follow up automatically to get them BACK into the nutrition club. Every person that makes their way back, is another opportunity for you to get them hooked!

What YOU 🫵 get with

#1 AI Loyalty Program

When someone engages with your FloLoyal website, FloLoyal takes care of the follow-up and allows you to pick up the already started conversation. Send them text blasts when you have a special, want to drive traffic, let them know about the next challenge or fit camp, or just build the relationship!


works FOR YOU 🫵


Get's Sign Ups

Customers can sign up from online without ever needing to come into the Nutrition Club! You can run Instagram boosts and Ads to your sign up page, put it on QR code flyers, share it on your instagram stories and so much more!


Tracks Scans

After customers have become a Loyalty Member, they must come into your Nutrition Club to earn points towards their next reward. Just like a punch card, they'll scan after every visit and it will become part of their daily habit to visit, learn about and consume the products


Auto Follow Up

If after signing up to your Loyalty Program, someone doesn't show up to your Nutrition Club in 30 days, FloLoyal will follow up Automatically to get them BACK into the nutrition club. Every person that makes their way back, is another opportunity for you to get them hooked!

What YOU 🫵 get with


AI Loyalty Program


Pro Website


SMS & Review AI

When someone engages with your FloLoyal website, FloLoyal takes care of the follow-up and allows you to pick up the already started conversation. Send text blasts when you have a special, want to drive traffic, let them know about the next challenge or fit camp, or just build the relationship!

When your future customers search 'Protein Shake Near Me' or 'Nutrition Nearby,' they can find you with our professionally made website, customized for you club! Get Loyalty Members & Google Reviews on Autopilot! Run your ads directly to your website and grow!

Customers often lose, forget or even take advantage of punch cards. FloLoyal's Digital Loyalty Program helps you build a list of your most loyal customers. The Best Part? FloLoyal automatically invites customers back into your Club when they haven't been visited in the last 30 days.

#2 Pro Website

When your future customers search 'Protein Shake Near Me' or 'Nutrition Nearby,' they can find you with our professionally made website, customized for you club! Get Loyalty Members & Google Reviews on Autopilot! Run your ads directly to your website and grow!

#3 SMS & Review AI

Customers often lose, forget or even take advantage of punch cards. FloLoyal's Digital Loyalty Program helps you build a list of your most loyal customers. The Best Part? FloLoyal automatically invites customers back into your Club when they haven't been visited in the last 30 days.

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